<p>The South Korean telecom regulator said on Friday that it intends to punish Google and Apple a total of up to 68 billion won ($50.42 million) for breaking the nation’s in-app payment regulations.<img decoding=”async” class=”alignnone wp-image-221238″ src=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/theindiaprint.com-google-and-apple-are-facing-a-50-million-penalties-for-improper-in-app-charging-im.jpg” alt=”theindiaprint.com google and apple are facing a 50 million penalties for improper in app charging im” width=”1245″ height=”697″ srcset=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/theindiaprint.com-google-and-apple-are-facing-a-50-million-penalties-for-improper-in-app-charging-im.jpg 300w, https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/theindiaprint.com-google-and-apple-are-facing-a-50-million-penalties-for-improper-in-app-charging-im-150×84.jpg 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 1245px) 100vw, 1245px” title=”Google and Apple are facing a $50 million penalties for improper in-app charging 6″></p>
<p>According to the Yonhap news agency, the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) began an investigation against Google Play and the App Store in August 2022 for their enforcement of certain in-app payment methods and other violations against app makers.</p>
<p>After concluding its investigation, the commission decided to fine Google 47.5 billion won and Apple 20.5 billion won for violating the nation’s updated Telecommunications Business Act by unfairly delaying the proper evaluation of apps and abusing their monopoly power to force local publishers to use their in-app billing system.</p>
<p>The panel also determined that Apple’s practice of charging domestic app developers fees amounts to discrimination.</p>
<p>The KCC urged the two businesses to take remedial action, describing their actions as a “grave issue” that might seriously impede fair market competition.</p>
<p>After hearing the firms’ viewpoints and following the proper deliberation processes, the commission intends to decide on the fine.</p>
<p>The National Assembly of South Korea approved a legislation last year that forbids app store operators from pressuring developers to use in-app payment systems, making it the first nation in the world to impose such restrictions on Apple and Google’s in-app charging practices.</p>
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