<p>This morning (March 8), Dolly Sohi, who was fighting cervical cancer, died away. Her family sent ETimes TV the formal announcement of her tragic passing. “Our beloved Dolly has left for her heavenly abode today early in the morning,” Dolly’s family stated in a letter. We are still in disbelief at the loss. The last ceremonies will take place this afternoon.”</p>
<p><img decoding=”async” class=”alignnone wp-image-487100″ src=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/theindiaprint.com-jhanak-notoriety-dolly-sohi-an-actress-dies-at-age-48-from-cervical-cancer-1083137.png” alt=”theindiaprint.com jhanak notoriety dolly sohi an actress dies at age 48 from cervical cancer 1083137″ width=”1198″ height=”674″ title=”Jhanak notoriety Dolly Sohi, an actress, dies at age 48 from cervical cancer 15″ srcset=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/theindiaprint.com-jhanak-notoriety-dolly-sohi-an-actress-dies-at-age-48-from-cervical-cancer-1083137.png 400w, https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/theindiaprint.com-jhanak-notoriety-dolly-sohi-an-actress-dies-at-age-48-from-cervical-cancer-1083137-390×220.png 390w” sizes=”(max-width: 1198px) 100vw, 1198px” /></p>
<p>Amandeep Sohi, Dolly’s sister and an actress, died of jaundice only the previous evening. It’s true that Amandeep is no longer with us, as her brother had indicated. Her body gave up. We are not in the condition to inquire about the doctor’s specifics, but she had jaundice.” Dolly was also taken to the emergency room, although it had been reported that she was on the mend.<br />
Dolly had just been brought to the hospital due to respiratory problems, but after emergency care, she did seem to be improving. Due to health issues, she was forced to leave the program Jhanak since she was unable to film for prolonged periods of time after undergoing chemotherapy.<br />
Over the course of her almost 20-year career, Dolly has appeared in a large number of TV series. The actress was married to Avneet Dhanowa, an NRI living in Canada, but problems between the two emerged once she accepted her pregnancy. Amelie, Dolly’s daughter, is her surviving child.</p>
<p>“It was very difficult to talk to my daughter Amelia about it,” Dolly said earlier in an interview with ETimes TV about her diagnosis and how she had summoned the fortitude to tell her little daughter. Since she is just 14 years old, I began providing her cues and assuring her that she would soon recover and that Miu, her mother, would be well. When I told her about it later, I explained that it was treatable and that I would be OK. She improved gradually as she started to handle things regularly.”</p>